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Education, equality and human rights: Issues of gender, “race”, sexuality, disability and social class

McLaren, Peter; Cole, Mike; Martin, Jane; Forrest, Simon; Rieser, Richard

  • Cambios climáticos
  • Género
  • Raza
  • Personas con discapacidad
  • Educación
  • Derecho a la igualdad
  • Igualdad del hombre y la mujer
  • Homofobia

* Este recurso no es de acceso abierto

The fifth edition of the market-leading Education, Equality and Human Rights has been fully updated to reflect economic, political and cultural changes in the UK, including the impacts of Brexit and Covid-19. It considers the great changes we are witnessing in recent years, such as climate change emergency, pandemics, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and their interrelationships. Written by world experts in their respective fields, each of the five equality issues of gender, “race”, sexuality, disability and social class is covered in its own right as well as in relation to education.

Tipo de libro: PDF
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