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Exploring truth commission recommendations in a comparative perspective: Beyond words Vol. I

Skaar, Elin; García-Godos, Jemima; Wiebelhaus-Brahm, Eric

  • Comisiones de la verdad
  • Función judicial
  • Derechos humanos
  • Justicia transicional
  • América Latina

* This resource is not open access

Truth commission recommendations are critical to their legacies, yet there is little research examining their fates. Based on fieldwork that is unprecedented in scope, this double volume project provides the first systematic study of the formulation and implementation of the recommendations of thirteen Latin American truth commissions. Beyond Words Vol. I examines the variations in truth commission recommendations across 13 Latin American cases. Insights are provided regarding how the internal dynamics of truth commissions, as well as the political, social and economic context in which they operate, influence how recommendations are formulated. The authors then explore how the nature of these recommendations themselves, along with the aforementioned factors, influence which recommendations are actually implemented. The conclusion considers the findings’ relevance for the crafting of future truth commission recommendations and reflects upon how the formulation and implementation of these recommendations shape the impact of truth commissions on societies emerging from periods of violence and repression.

Book Type: PDF
DRM: Yes
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