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The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System: Transformations on the Ground

Von Bogdandy, Armin; Piovesan, Flávia; Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot, Eduardo; Morales Antoniazzi, Mariela; Urueña, René; Grossman, Claudio; Cortez da Cunha Cruz, Julia; Grote, Rainer; Engstrom, Par; Henríquez Viñas, Miriam Lorena; Núñez Leiva, J. Ignacio; Haeck, Yves; Pérez Liñán, Aníbal S.; Barraco, María; Mantilla Falcón, Julissa; Serrano Guzmán, Silvia; Vicente, Alejandra; Beloff, Mary Ana; Díaz-Tendero Bollain, Aída; Salmón I, Elizabeth; Blouin, Cécile; Girardi Fachin, Melina; Binder, Christina; Parra Vera, Óscar; Ayala Corao, Carlos M.; Botero Marino, Catalina; Lanza, Edison; Hernández García, Joel; Saavedra Alessandri, Pablo; Morrison, Kelly; Schenoni, Luis; Krsticevic, Viviana; Salazar, Katya; Cerqueira, Daniel; Kletzel, Gabriela

  • Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
  • Constitucionalidad
  • Reparación integral
  • Protección de los derechos humanos
  • Control de convencionalidad
  • Tribunales internacionales
  • Cumplimiento de sentencias
  • Pueblos indígenas
  • Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
  • Medidas provisionales
  • Privados de libertad
  • Derechos económicos; sociales; culturales y ambientales (DESCA)
  • Violencia sexual
  • América Latina
  • Caso Artavia Murillo y otros (Fertilización In Vitro) Vs. Costa Rica
  • Caso Azul Rojas Marín y otra Vs. Perú
  • Caso Atala Riffo y niñas Vs. Chile

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The Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS) fosters structural transformations throughout the Americas. This collection of analyses builds upon the studies on Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina and Latin American transformative constitutionalism to map out both the ground-level human rights impact of the IAHRS and the institutional characteristics that have enabled such fundamental changes in social reality. The volume starts with essays framing the concept and context of IAHRS impact. Then it navigates thematic analyses on specific rights and types of violations that are front and center to the protection of human rights in Latin America. The concluding essays explore whether and how it is possible to optimize the actions of the Inter-American System, indicating possible paths to increase positive human rights impact. The editors contend that the IAHRS victim-centric approach, community of practice, and openness to institutional reinvention have enabled it to create a virtuous cycle that catalyzes human rights in the Americas, furthering democracy and the Rule of Law throughout the continent.

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